Labor Union
On 21st of May 1998, President Soeharto declared his resignation from his position as President of Republic of Indonesia which was presented before the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MA RI) and witnessed by all of the people of Indonesia. At that time, the position was handed over to B.J Habibie which before was the Vice President of Republic of Indonesia. In the following days, Indonesia entered the reform era under the leadership of B.J Habibie, who opened the faucet of freedom in all fields, including the field of manpower.
Ratification of the ILO convention No. 87/1984 with the KEPRES RI No. 83/1998 serve as evidence of the aspirations of the trade/ labor unions which have been silenced for so long, is now has been responded by the government. Subsequently, Undang-undang No. 21 tahun 2000 concerning trade/ labor unions, which later become the guideline for trade/ labor unions is made.
The Basis of Establishing a Labor Union
The idea of establishing a Trade Union, especially in the BUMN environment, has existed since 1998. At that time the government issued Peraturan Pemerintah no. 12/1998 concerning the Implementing Regulations of Limited Liability Companies which are the implementation instructions of Undang-undang no. 1/1995. The PP states that there is a need for a Labor Union in a State Owned Enterprise (State Owned Enterprise) to replace KORPRI. Article 38 states:
“PERSERO employees are PERSERO employees whose appointment and dismissal, position, rights and obligations are determined based on a work agreement in accordance with the legislation in the field of manpower.”
KONVENSI ILO No. 87/1984 on freedom of association and protection of the right to organize.
KEPRES No. 83/1998 concerning Ratification of ILO Convention No. 87/1984.
Decision of MUNAS V KORPRI dated 15 to 17 February 1999 which stipulates that BUMN membership in KORPRI is an active system so that BUMN employees can make organizational choices according to their aspirations. At that time PT. Pos Indonesia who attended the National Conference of KORPRI explicitly left KORPRI membership.
Instruction of the Minister of State Enterprises Empowerment No. S-19/mSA-5/PBUMN dated March 15, 1999 concerning SOEs must facilitate the establishment of Trade Unions.
Decision of the Board of Directors No. 59/DIRUTPOS/1999 dated March 12, 1999 regarding the Assistance Team for the Establishment of Trade Unions within PT. Indonesian post.
Secretariat Letter No. 32/Rhs/Prib/Sekper/99 dated March 30, 1999 regarding the Establishment of Unions within PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Decree of the Minister of Manpower No. 664/M/BW/2000 dated 19 October 2000.
1. Serikat Pekerja Pos Indonesia

Leader : Iwan Suryanegara
Secretary : Abung Najmudin
Treasurer : Cepi Iswara
PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) feels the need for an organization of workers in its environment. Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar have been formed but have not been well organized. It is proven by the naming of organizations that are not yet uniform, some use the names PEKAPOS, SEKARPOS, SEGA POS and so on.
An interesting phenomenon in the world of Trade Unions is Solidarity, as evidenced by the Japan Postal Workers Union (ZENTEI) when they found out the existence of the Indonesian Postal Workers Union (SPPI) had been established without being asked they provided assistance in the form of technical assistance (Technical Assistance) regarding the organization of trade unions in the form of basic training. Basic Trade Union (Basic Training). The implementation is in collaboration with the International Federation of International Union Networks (UNI) based in Nyon Switzerland and the Local Federation of Indonesian Trade Union Associations (ASPEK Indonesia). After that, on June 6, 2000, a Joint Seminar was held between the Indonesian Postal Workers Union and the Japan Postal Workers Union (ZENTEI).
Recorded on Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Bandung No. 75/DPP.SPPI/CTT/1/X/8/2001 dated August 3, 2001.
To become an effective and professional workers' organization in fighting for the rights and interests of members in the national and international working community with the spirit of solidarity, independence, democracy, unity, responsibility and equality.
- Fight for the rights and interests of members.
- The success of organizational and company programs.
- Representing members in bipartite and tripartite relationships.
- Providing excellent service to the postal service user community.
- Have a concern for the national and international community environment.
SPPI's goal
Gathered at the union of PT. Pos Indonesia for the realization of a sense of solidarity and solidarity among fellow workers.
The achievement of the life and livelihood of the workers of PT. Pos Indonesia that is proper in accordance with just and civilized humanity by protecting, defending and defending the rights and interests of workers in general, especially members of the SPPI.
Achieving and ensuring the welfare of employees and their families as well as fighting for the improvement of fate, working terms and working conditions.
The stability of harmonious Industrial Relations in order to create peace of mind and peace of mind in order to increase productivity towards the realization of the standard of living and welfare of employees and their families.
2. Serikat Pekerja Pos Indonesia Kuat Bermartabat

Leader : Akhmad Komarudin
Secretary : Muhamad
Treasurer : Dwi Ning Setyorini
Establishment of SPPIKB
Serikat Pekerja Pos Indonesia Kuat Bermartabat (SPPIKB) is declared on July 25th, 2018.
Registered on Disnaker Kota Bandung No: 250 / Serikat Pekerja Pos Indonesia Kuat Bermartabat/CTT.13-Disnaker/2018 dated August 21, 2018.
Fight for the realization of workers who are solid, independent with strong determination and dignity in fighting for the Rights and Interests of Indonesian Postal Workers based on the spirit of unity with full sense of responsibility and upholding diversity, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
Fight for the realization of workers who are solidarity, independent with strong determination and dignity in fighting for the Rights and Interests of Indonesian Postal Workers based on the spirit of unity with full sense of responsibility and upholding diversity, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
- To fight for, defend and protect the rights and interests of all workers as well as the welfare of all members and their families.
- Forming future trade union cadres who are competent, militant, intellectual and competent in order to maintain the existence of the organization.
- Strive for members/Employees to obtain equal opportunities in career development in accordance with their respective potentials and competencies with a performance-based remuneration system.
Traits and Affiliations
- Independent, independent, democratic, responsible, strong and dignified.
- Can be affiliated with federation organizations or trade union confederations at the national and international level.
- Not affiliated with certain political parties or social organizations.
Purpose of Establishing SPPIKB
The objectives of the establishment are as follows:
- Increase the sense of solidarity among workers.
- Improving the professionalism of members in carrying out their duties for trade union organizations and the Company.
- Empower and utilize its members optimally.
- Fight for, defend and protect the rights and interests of members.
- Improving decent welfare for members and their families.
- Creating an atmosphere of kinship and unity among members.
- Carrying out organizational development of the Indonesian Postal Workers Union with Strong Dignity so that it is always Strong and Dignified.
- The successful implementation of the Company's programs in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement.
- Bridging communication between the Company and its members.
- Protect and safeguard all Company assets