History of Pos Indonesia

Pos Indonesia’s history dates back so long ago. The first post office ever built was in Batavia (now known as Jakarta) by General G.W Baron van Imhoff on 26th of August 1746 with the goal to ensure the safety of citizen’s letters, especially for those who went trading from office to office outside of the Java continent and those who come and go from the Netherland. Since then, postal service has carried that purpose and function to the public. After the construction of Batavia’s post office, another post office was built in Semarang four years later to establish a better connection between these two places, and to fasten up delivery process. The route that was taken back then was through Karawang, Cirebon, and Pekalongan.

   Pos Indonesia has been through a couple of status changes ranging from PTT (Post, Telegraph, and Telephone). This business entity that was led by an office head was not a commercial operation and the function is more directed to providing public service. National development continues to developing and now, PTT’s status changes to Perusahaan Negara Pos dan Telekomunikasi (PN Postel). Seeing as current development where postal and telecommunication is developing really fast, on 1965, PN Postel status changes to Perusahaan Negara Pos dan Giro (PN Pos dan Giro), and on 1978 the status changes to Perum Pos dan Giro that is confirmed to be a single business entity on organizing postal service and postal giro for domestic and foreign relation. For seventeen years with the status of Perum, on June 1995, the status changes to Perseroan Terbatas with the name of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero).

   As time goes by, Pos Indonesia can now show their creativity on developing Indonesian postal utilizing infrastructure network that they have around 24 thousand service point that covers 100 percent of city/ district, 100 percent of sub-district, and 42 percent of ward/ village, also 940 locations of some of the most isolated places in Indonesia. With the technological advancement, Pos Indonesia’s network has over 3,800 online post offices, complete with Pos electric mobile on several big cities. Every service point is a solid and integrated chain of network. Postal code system was invented to ease the delivery process with every span of area in Indonesia can be precisely identified. 

1746 – The First Post Office

   Pos Indonesia’s history dates back so long ago. The first post office ever built was in Batavia (now known as Jakarta) by General G.W Baron van Imhoff on 26th of August 1746 with the goal to ensure the safety of citizen’s letters, especially for those who went trading from office to office outside of the Java continent and those who come and go from the Netherland. Since then, postal service has carried that purpose and function to the public.


   On this year, postal service is merged with telegraph service under the name POSTEN TELEGRAFDIENST.

1877 – Union Postale Universelle

   Ever since colonial government ruled under the Netherland, the postal service has already handled letters and packages delivery internationally. That is why the postal service is registered as a member of Union Postale Universelle (UPU).

1945 – POSTEL’s Devotion* Day

   When Indonesia is controlled by Japan, the PTT is also occupied by Japan’s military. On 27th September 1945, the young generation of PTT starts to take over PTT power over Japan, and officially taken it to be Republic of Indonesia’s PTT. That event was commemorated as PTT’s Devotion* Day or POSTEL’s Devotion* Day.

1965 – PN Pos dan Giro

   Seeing as current development where postal and telecommunication is developing really fast, on 1965, PN Postel status changes to Perusahaan Negara Pos dan Giro (PN Pos dan Giro).

1978 – Perusahaan Umum Pos dan Giro

   And on 1978 the status changes to Perum Pos dan Giro that is confirmed to be a single business entity on organizing postal service and postal giro for domestic and foreign relation.

1995 – PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero)

   For seventeen years with the status of Perum, on June 1995, the status changes to Perseroan Terbatas with the name of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero).

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