Affiliate Agency
Pos Indonesia Affiliate Agency
Making Dapenpos a professional Defined Benefit Pension Program manager capable of providing satisfaction and added value for Participants, Founders, Employees and Partners.
Manage periodic pension benefit payments on time, in the right amount and with the right recipient.
Manage funds originating from Participants and Founders with dynamic growth in an effort to improve Participants' income and relieve the obligations of the Founders.
Participate in building morale and lasting bonds among the Participants.
The Pos Indonesia Pension Fund (Dapenpos) was established to manage the payment of Pension Benefits for participants upon entering retirement age. The retirement period is not the same for every participant, while Dapenpos is required to be ready at all times to pay the participant's rights. Therefore, the availability of quality long-term funding in order to fulfill actuarial obligations, namely the obligation to provide pension benefits to participants when the participants need them is a must. Thus, it is necessary to have a plan compiled in a written document that explains the Dapenpos plan to take advantage of various business opportunities in the external environment and the strategies that must be carried out to make these opportunities a reality.
The Purpose of the Long Term Planning of Dapenpos
Become a guideline for setting funding targets and targets that must be achieved in an effort to accelerate funds to be fulfilled 100% (Funded) with a Fund Adequacy Ratio (RKD) of 100% or more (fully Funded with RKD 120%).
Provide direction and guidance for the management of Dapenpos and all its staff in implementing the policies of managing Dapenpos in a professional, efficient and effective manner and complying with the principles of good pension fund governance.
Finding opportunities and challenges in managing the Dapenpos investment portfolio, so that it is expected to be able to provide maximum business results.
Establish strategies and programs to seek the possibility of increasing welfare for Retired Participants by the Founder while maintaining the going concern of Dapenpos.
The Bhakti Pos Indonesia Education Foundation (YPBPI) is directly under the supervision of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) which is established in the field of higher education institutions.
The University of Logistics and International Business (ULBI) is under the auspices of the Bhakti Pos Indonesia Foundation (YPBPI). University of Logistics and International Business (ULBI) as a result of the merger of the Indonesian Postal Polytechnic (POLTEKPOS) and the Indonesian College of Logistics Management (STIMLOG) Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 334/E/O/2022 stipulated in Jakarta on May 24, 2022. ULBI is the first university in Indonesia that focuses on science in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, E-Commerce, and Business.