Contact PPID
Kantor Pusat PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Jl. Cilaki no 73, Bandung
Email :
Website : Who can submit a public information request?
All Indonesian citizen or Indonesian legal entity as regulated in the Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Number 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information.
- What are the requirements for submitting a public information request?
For individuals, please complete personal identification in the form of an Identity Card; For company or a group please completes the power of attorney and Identity Card of the person being authorized; For legal entities, complete the deed of establishment issued by the ministry in charge of legal affairs and human rights.
- How do I submit a public information request?
- Direct Service
Visit the PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) office which is located at the Gedung Graha Pos Indonesia Jl. Banda No.30 Kota Bandung to fill in the form provided by the information service officer.
- Online Service
Submit a request via the form available on the website and complete the requirements listed.
- What is the mechanism for providing PPID responses to requests for public information?
Responses to requests for public information, called Written Notifications, will be delivered directly to the requester, sent via post or email that the user has registered at the time of registration.
- How long does it take to get the information?
Information service officers will follow up on the requests within 10 (ten) working days and can be extended within the next 7 (seven) working days if further consideration is needed.
- What if the Applicant is not satisfied with the information response?
Applicants can submit objections to PPID via the website or come directly to the information service area at the PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) office. The applicant will receive a response from PPID superiors no later than 30 (thirty) working days after receiving the written objection.
- How much does it cost to obtain public information?
PPID PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) provides public information services free of charge (no charge). Meanwhile, for duplication or recording, public users can do the duplication independently at places providing photocopy services located around office buildings accompanied by information service officers or by preparing other electronic recording media for recording its information data.
- Information service time
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) opens public services every Monday to Friday (working days) at 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.