Realizing the Dreams of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Collaborates with Neurogine Sdn Bhd


According to data from Bank Indonesia (2022), there are 1.6 million Indonesian migrant workers working in Malaysia. Indonesian migrant workers are foreign exchange fighters who are able to contribute hundreds of trillions of rupiah to the Indonesian economy every year. The value of remittances from migrant workers in Malaysia in 2022 reached US$ 638.35, or approximately Rp 9.25 trillion, which is in second place based on data from Bank Indonesia.

The high need for PMI remittances in Malaysia to Indonesia then encouraged PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) to take part in providing convenience for them in conducting remittance transactions. So that PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) on March 15, 2024, has announced its collaboration with the official partner of money transfer services in Malaysia, Neurogine Sdn Bhd. The synergy between the two parties is a realization that makes it easier for PMI in Malaysia to send money to Indonesia in an easier, cheaper, and safer way.

The remittance services needed by PMI are then further supported by the presence of the Pospay application owned by PT Pos Indonesia. Pospay is able to facilitate sending money from various Malaysian banks directly to the hands of families in Indonesia. Pospay is also able to provide other services besides remittances; for example, through the multi-payment feature, PMIs can practically make payments for various bills, ranging from electricity, water, and telephone bills to multi-finance credit bills. So that the distance and time constraints that are often faced by migrant workers can be overcome by the presence of Pospay in their midst. 

Pospay, as one of the superior services owned by PT Pos Indonesia, not only offers convenience for its users. Pospay also strives to understand the importance of every rupiah that each customer has. Offering services economically while still prioritizing trust and security for users. PT Pos Indonesia and Neurogine Sdn Bhd are determined to provide fast and easy services for PMI fighters by delivering love in the form of rupiah to all corners of Indonesia.

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