Government Collaborates with Pos Indonesia to Implement Market Operations

JAKARTA - The government will involve PT Pos Indonesia in the implementation of market operations ahead of the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. President Director of Pos Indonesia, Faizal Rochmad Djoemadi, expressed his readiness to succeed the market operation.
“Pos Indonesia is ready to cooperate in distributing basic needs during Ramadan, including rice, sugar, shallots, garlic, and buffalo meat,” said Faizal after a meeting with Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman at the Ministry of Agriculture's headquarters, Jakarta, on Tuesday (18/2/2025).
Faizal revealed that market operations are a strategic step taken by the government to maintain the availability and stabilize the prices of basic commodities. Through market operations, the government tries to ensure the distribution of foodstuffs to the people, especially during the important national religious holidays (HBKN).
“Hopefully, everything will run smoothly so that this market operation can reduce the prices of staple foods that are needed by the community during Ramadan and Eid,” he said.
As a first step, market operations will be realized in key cities in Java to ensure fast and effective distribution. After that, market operations will be expanded to areas outside Java.
“The initial stage next week will be carried out in the main cities in Java first, so that it will be delivered immediately. After that, we will expand to other cities in Java and outside Java,” Faizal explained.
Faizal said that Pos Indonesia will immediately map out the market operation locations and organize the distribution process so that the market operation runs conducively. He also emphasized that according to Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman's message, staples distributed in market operations should not be resold.
“We map out the points where the staples will be distributed so that the process is conducive and people can get staples at affordable prices. In accordance with the Minister of Agriculture's message, people buy for their own needs, not for resale,” he explained.
As is known, the government has prepared market operations to maintain the stability of staple food prices during Ramadan. Minister Amran revealed that the government is working on the market operation mechanism, including the quantity of staples distributed, pricing, and location.
“As directed by President Prabowo, we expect staple food prices to be stable, if necessary lower than the previous year. We will conduct large market operations, especially for meat, sugar, cooking oil, and so on,” said Minister Amran on Monday (17/2/2025).
Ministry of Agriculture Release, February 18, 2025
Number : B-104/HM.160/A.7/2/2025